Central Governance Documents
Governance at Esteem
Effective governance is an essential success factor for the Esteem MAT. Like other educational trusts we operate as a charitable company limited by guarantee. We have a strong governance structure in place made up of our members, trustees (known also as Directors , Board of Trustees, Board), and local governing boards which operate as committees of our Trust Board. These are all unpaid volunteers with strategic leadership responsibilities. In trusts, the purpose of governance is to provide:
- strategic leadership
- accountability and assurance
- strategic engagement
The Esteem MAT Board of Trustees
Our Board , which is the accountable body, has collective accountability and strategic responsibility for the trust. It has a focus on ensuring the trust delivers an excellent education to pupils while maintaining effective financial management and must ensure compliance with:
- the trust’s charitable objects
- regulatory, contractual and statutory requirements
- their funding agreement
The rules and guidance that they must work to in relation to governance are set out in our Articles of Association and our Funding Agreement. The Board delegates some functions and decision making to operational leads and committees. This is set out in our Scheme of Delegation.
The Department for Education also provides non-statutory guidance on the strategic leadership and governance of academy trusts and the guidance that we must have regard to is detailed, along with our other key documents, below.
2023/2024 Esteem MAT Members, Trustee, Executive Team and Local Governing Board Details and Register of Interests
The Esteem Governance Structure
Scheme of Delegation October 2023
Trustee and Members Attendance at Esteem MAT Meetings 2022-23
Trustee and Members Attendance at Esteem MAT Meetings 2021-22
Esteem MAT Ratified Annual General Meeting Minutes 07/12/2022
Esteem MAT Ratified Annual General Meeting Minutes 02/03/2022
Trustee Attendance at Trust Board and Committee Meetings 2020-21
Schedule of Trust Board and Committee Meetings 2023-24
Ratified Annual General Meeting Minutes 04/12/2019
FAQs for Trustees
Local Governing Board Member Details 2019-20
Trustees' Attendance - Trust Board and Committee Meetings 2019-20
Members, Trustees & Executive Team Pecuniary & Personal Interests 2019-20
Local Governance
Local Governance at Esteem
Esteem has a well-established governance structure which recognises the importance of having an effective and functioning local tier of governance via local governing boards. We are proud of our governors who come from different backgrounds and have a wealth of knowledge and experience which they use to the benefit of our academies and our pupils. Like our members and trustees, governors are volunteers who afford their time to attend regular meetings and visit our schools , meeting regularly as a board and fulfilling the important role of governance. The local governing boards operate as committees of our Trust Board and their role includes monitoring academy performance, provide challenge, holding academy leaders to account and acting as a critical friend. A governor’s focus also involves ensuring money is well spent, staff and pupil wellbeing, safeguarding, equality, diversity and inclusion , SEND and pupil voice.
Please click on the links below to see more information about the local governing boards at our academies;
- The Aspire Academy
- Bennerley Fields School
- Bracken Hill School
- Derby Pride Academy
- Elmsleigh Infant & Nursery School
- Esteem North Academy
- Esteem South Academy
- Esteem Valley Academy
- Fountains Primary School
- Fountains High School
- Holbrook School for Autism
- Peak School
- Stanton Vale School
- St Clare’s School