Visions and Values












Our Vision: What are we here to do?

Our vision is to be a Trust that:

  • Leads and supports our academies to provide the highest standards of education and development for all our pupils.
  • Enables academies with a shared sense of purpose to benefit from alignment whilst maintaining individuality.
  • Provides a strong, collective voice for our academies at a local and national level.
  • Delivers support and SEND expertise to our academies and to other schools and local authorities.

Our vision will be delivered via our three core strategic aims.  Everything we do should be ultimately focused on doing these three things well:

  • We will provide an ambitious, inspirational, bespoke education, setting the foundation for the future and ensuring our young people are ready for the world.
  • We will deliver high standards and value for money from our support services, resources, estate and technology.
  • We will invest in and support our people, exploiting opportunities for collaborative, continual professional development, sharing of expertise and best practice.

Our Values: How will we do it?

These are our values; they reflect our aspirations for our culture. We believe in:

Our Values:

  • Should apply equally to pupils, to our staff and to how we treat people outside our organisation
  • Should be reflected in how we recruit, reward and manage staff
  • Should be part of how we are held to account by our Trust Board and our local authorities